
Monday, August 24, 2020

Units of measurements!

Today as part of our maths work we did a sheet all about making sure we write the equations the proper way and making sure we always use units of measure. Sometimes I still need to remember to add units but mostly I add them. I feel like I've learnt so many new things this year and I'm starting to really enjoy maths.

Peer assessments!

For literacy this week we have been editing some of our writing and peer assessments. I have chosen two goals for my writing and then altered my first draft so it was the final copy. My goals were for all my sentences to link together well and good spelling and grammar. I think I have done most of the sentences well and I'm pleased with them but spelling is an ongoing problem I have but I really hope extra practice at home will help with that. This is my final copy. Enjoy!

The woman is frozen as she sees the tree. The heart carved into it more than 15 years ago still stands brightly within the mist of trees. Her dog brakes loudly, the noise echoing through the trees but she didn’t notice. Her mind flashes with memories of her and her sister, playing at the beach, the playground and at the school fair back in year 6.
‘If only I could bring her back’ She thought, pressing my palm against the engraved shape.
No. There was nothing she could do to bring her back. And, nothing she could do to make up for what she did. Tears don’t count as an apology.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Triangle Area!

This is how you work out the area of a right angled Triangle!

Area of a circle!

This week we have been doing lots of equations using pi. I know how to find circumference of circles but now we are looking at areas of circles. The formula to find areas of circles is PI (3.14)x R x R. The R stands for radius which is half of the diameter. The main thing to make sure is that you don't add two 
R's together you have to multiply them together.

Thursday, August 20, 2020


This week as part of our work we where working on show not tell. We got given 5 different images that we had to do a piece of writing for from what we could tell from the picture. My favourite one so far was Memories and this is my piece. Enjoy!
The woman is frozen as she sees the tree. The heat carved into it more than 15 years ago still stands brightly within the mist of trees. Her dog brakes loudly, the noise echoing through the trees but she didn’t notice. Her mind flashes with memories of her and her sister, playing at the beach, the playground and at the school fair back in year 6.
‘If only I could bring her back’ She thought, pressing my palm anaced the engraved shape.
No. There was nothing she could do to bring her back. And, nothing she could do to make up for what she did. Tears don’t count as an apology.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Finding the circumference of a circle!

Today in maths we were finding the circumference of a circle by finding the diameter then multiply it by π (3.14). We walked through a circle painted on the caught and then ran back to class to add the equations up. I learned how to write it up and its like the volume. C= π x D and that is basically the find circumference its 3.14 x the diameter. I got 13 foot lengths(we got this from previous weeks lessons) so then I converted that to how many of my feet fit into a meter and that was 4.5 across so I multiplied that by 3.14(π) and got
14.137 metres as my final answer. I am really understanding now about finding the circumference of circles using the diameter and pi. This is a photo of us working out the diameter.

How to take up a horse :)

This week in literacy we did a diagram following the ones we read earlier. I have chosen to do mine about How to take up a horse. I wrote it thinking about years 6-8 so they are around 9-13. This is because I have used some colour but it isn't so much to help the reader understand but to make it nice to look like. Hope you learn something new.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Adrenalin Forest!

Yesterday we went to adrenalin forest! It was heaps of fun and would defanitly reccomend again. We left school just after first break and drove to the forest in the school vans. Once we arived we put our bags down and got our harness on. Once they where on we went over to a practis rope so we could learn how to put out clipers onto the rope. Next we went over to a very low flying fox and tried that pout a few times. Once everyone had had a go Kirsten and I went over to level 2. We flyed through that quickly and also zoomed through level 3b. Then, feeling very good we went over to level 4. It was hard and long. We must have been on there for at lest 40 minuites and lots of obstacals where long rope walks or things where we had to pull up a zipline for 10 minuites. It was still very fun and I would love to go back.


Today in math we worked a lot on volume and writing out workings out. To start with I leaned the proper way to write the equation out. eg.
V= lxWxh

I also learned that the 3 at the side of the equation shows that it was volume. We worked on easyish questions at the start but by the end I was a bit confused! Thankfully the calculater saved me at the last question we did:
V=l x w x h
=11 x 16 x 1.5
Once we had that figured out we had to find out how much it could cost if each square meter was worth $4 for the workers. It was $1,056 the cost but Then we had to find 30%! It was very hard but somehow I ended up with the right awncer!
Even though it was hard it was fun and I felt like i learned a lot!

Tuesday, August 11, 2020


In science we have been looking at Eco Systems of a native and endemic animals. I chose to do the Kaimanawa horse that is endemic to NZ. This is my throughts on how humans have effected them. Enjoy.

Scientific Diagram!

For the last to weeks we have been looking at the kingdoms, animals and plants. We have now moved to look at how a sientifc diagram is written so we can write one ourselfs. We have read 3 different texts, each with different leves. Here are my througths on what each basic section of a scientific diagram have. Do you agree with what each section needs?

Explaining Scientific Diagrams
Scientific diagrams help people understand pieces of information. They have many different elements and the elements range from purpose, audience, visuals, symbols and labels.

Scientific diagrams almost always have a purpose. There are lots of purposes to focus the diagram about but the text we looked at was all to inform. To tell the writing is informative you can tell from the language used. In text 2 (Planting an apple tree) they use factual language to tell and inform the reader how to plant a tree and because they used that language I could tell that it was written to tell the reader how to plant a tree.

AudienceThe audience of a diagram is important to think about when writing one. This is important because you want the reader to understand and learn the content. In text 2 they use harder language then text 1 (How do plants grow) because the age recommendation would have been older. Some of the words they use in text 2 like biodegradable and burlap, the younger readers might not understand but then in text 1 they use easa language so the younger readers will understand. 

In a scientific diagram the audience is important not just for the text. Adding pictures can help readers understand the text better or just add some colour. If the text was for younger kids they might add more pictures that are easy to understand like in text 1 but if it was for older kids the pitchers might be more realistic and informative. In text 1 they have lots of colours to help show the tree is green for example but in text 2 they used black and white because the reader is older so they don’t need colour to understand.

When writing a scientific diagram we have to think about adding some symbols like arrows, lines, Circles, color coded pictures etc. This helps label images and parts. Some things like arrows in Text 1 show the way the sun gives light to the plant but in text 3 (Tui planting calendar) they use colour coded small plants to symbolize what plants are good to plant at each time of the year.

Using labels when doing a scientific diagram can help the reader understand the diagram. They use headings and side notes to help the reader understand the context and depending on what age the diagram is written differs the words used and length of sentences.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Final Tech

Today was our final day of tech for the class. Because of Covid we did 3 weeks of this term doing our old subjects but that finished today and next week we have new subjects. In sewing today I sewed my liner into my bag, turned it through and then sewed to hole up. I'm quite pleased with my bag and painting skills which are pretty much non-existante! It was heaps of fun making it and I'm looking forwards to taking it home.


In Literacy this week I have been writing a story of my choice. Then main charterer is called Emma, hence where the name came from! I havn't written to much but its a start. Comment if you like it! Enjoy!

The rain hits the windows in crashing waves and the building practically shakes. Students crash into the building leaving the cafeteria door swinging shut. I hunch in my jersey against the blasting wind and wave my way through the bunch of dripping students. I needn't have bothered. A path clears ahead of me and I hurry through without a glance back. Pushing open the door I step outside and welcome the cold wind, sucking the warmth from my core. My hood hangs down over my eyes, shadowning my face. Only a handful of people have seen me with it down. “Hey Emma, Wait up” Cait runs towards me. We walk in silence down the path towards the science block. “You ok?” She speaks quietly and glasses over at me. “I’m fine” My voice is thicker than normal and she must notice the change in my voice for she tugs at my gersey to stop walking. “What's up?” Sometimes I hate that she can read me so well. I shrug, my gas trolling at the ground. “Parents fighting again” I say finally, rolling my eyes like it's a big deal but in truth it's killing me. “I’m so sorry emma” She says, her eyes flicking over my face. I shug “It's fine”. We Finally reached the car park where the blue and yellow bus pulled into the overcrowded lot. Students shoved and bustle as they tried to get a seat on the bus but today I couldn’t be bothered trying. Unlike Cait I don’t have a bus stop right next to my house. Cait lives on Walmore street, the main street in town where I live on a dead end street next to the beach. We reach Cait stop first and she jumps off with a quick glance back the hurries into her house. Two stops later we pull up near a roundabout with tall houses on either side. I let the bulk of students get off first then I swung down, landing hard on the ground. My black leggings grip tightly as the rain soaks through them, sending shivers racking through my body. My feet steer me towards my street and I hear the bus heave away from the stop and continue down the street. I make the familia turn into the dead end street and slowly walk towards my house. It’s a two story house painted a pure white with light blue window rims. A black fence marks the propatie space and the gate is swung open and jammed in a bush. I tug at the metal until it comes free then latch it shut. My feet slow as I approach the house and I hesitate before pulling open the door. Mum at the table on her laptop and she barely reacts when I walk in. She has a new book due on sunday so the next 4 hours would be crazy. My older sister is lying on the couch, scrolling through her phone. Her waist length black hair is cascaded down her front and she glances up at me before looking back at her phone. Sometimes I wonder how many kilometers she scrolls on that thing.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Botanic Gardens!

Yesterday we went to the botanic gardens and we learnt all about the animals and living species and how the world has changed. We first sat down and talked about what the space we live in now was like 2000 years ago. It's crazy but it was all wetlands! Tree trunks where soden and the whole ground was just giant and when. When the Maori arrived they drained all the water out so it was firmer ground. Years later when the Europeans arrived they went to the rivers like the Avon and made the sides straighter and closer together so the water would flow quicker but this meant taking away all the bushes beside the river which meant that ducks and other small animals that lived in the plants lost homes. Now people are planting these bushes again to try and help bring back homes and animals. We also played some games like one where we got an animal pegged to our back and had to guess what animal it was, what it's life status was and what its origin status was. I was the Laughing Owl, I was extinct and I was endemic (Meaning it was only ever found in new Zealand). The other game we played was we stood behind a rope and at a sight saying Botanical gardens and another rope 10m ahead had a sign saying Port hills. This is because in summer the fantails fly up to the port hills but in winter they fly down because it gets too cold but when they fly it is a very long trip so they have to stop along the way. We each got given a square of carpet that resembles a green space. A green space are spots where fantails can stop, sleep and find food part way through this trip. These spaces are parks, backyards and other green spaces! Sometimes it can be hard to find one so in groups we had to get from one line to the other without touching the grass. I worked with Kirsten and Isla and together we (awkwardly!) made our way across. Once everyone had done that two people who were acting as construction workers trying to build in green spaces could come around and take some squares of carpet if we weren't standing on them. Isla fell off when one square got taken away but Kirsten and I quickly got across without touching the grass. The whole trip was heaps of fun and I definitely recommend going! :)